Monday, June 16, 2014

Vulture, living on corpses

A former something - a blogger - wait, NO its just a man trying to get known on someones sufferings, because all he wrote was about Michael Schumacher accident.
  Read his post -
  -justifying his post as answers to some people, making so called logic assumptions on little information was out there about Michael, he invents facts and calls liars the people close to Michael.
  - why doesnt he grabs a scythe and start taking men down because I have seen doctors "killing" sick people with words, and that in my opinion that is a SIN.
 -  "..and pretty much told to not ever expect further updates" -thats the message he sends to Mick and Gina Marie, this kids deserves that "encouragement" ?
   In the end he "sympathises" with the family "This all leaves a very bad taste in my mouth". Does he thinks he's God turning the tide of fate as he pleases.

 HOPE exists, the Human body its an incredible machine with power to recover and GOD can achieve miracles...

Ghe-O Rescue - one madd machine -MADE IN ROMANIA-

Ghe-O Rescue - one madd machine -MADE IN ROMANIA

Michael Schumacher out of Coma and Leaves the Hospital Go Go Schumi !!!

  Michael Schumacher out of Coma and Leaves the Hospital-
-not on his own feet of course... but its still a good news.
   The hard road just now begins, especially that we don't know the level of trauma Michael suffered, lets hope he recovers soon and the millions of fans, will see him fly on the roads again.
 I beg no more skying - I know a loot of accidents victims want to confront their fears.
 Go Go Schumi !!!